The UVM Aiken Engineering Week brings together the wider Burlington community to explore, celebrate, and tackle challenges around engineering and STEM. The UVM Aiken Engineering Week events will take place from February 15, 2020 – February 19, 2020 in coordination with National Engineering Week and will serve as the host for several high-profile events related to engineering outreach. Current planned events are the Aiken Challenge Girl Scouts and Scouts in Engineering Day, the FIRST Robotics Challenge, and the Aiken Engineering Week Public Lecture. Throughout this week we will bring together a community of K-12 students, teachers, UVM faculty and students, and the broader community to engage in hands-on engineering activities and learn more about the amazing engineering projects happening in our own city. In addition to our in-person activities, we will be launching a social media campaign on twitter using the hashtag #UVMSTEM during the UVM Aiken Engineering Week that showcases a diversity of voices in engineering with daily posts that highlight local and global engineers that have made a significant impact on our community. If you would like to contribute by suggesting an engineer that inspires you please respond to juniper.lovato@uvm.edu. Aiken Engineering week will be a part of UVM STEM month which will host several STEM events such as Math Counts and the Vermont Science Olympiad competition.
Aiken Challenge Girl Scouts and Scouts in Engineering Day – Saturday, February 15, 2020
Aiken Engineering Week Public Lecture – The Joy of Making Things – Wednesday, February 19, 2020 from 6:00-7:00pm (snacks, giveaways and mingling after the talk until 8:30pm)
Speaker: John Cohn
Location: UVM Davis Center Grand Maple Ballroom
First Robotics Challenge – Saturday, February 15, 2020
Voices of Engineering
Online showcase of amazing and diverse voices in Engineering!
Math Counts
February 8, 2020
MathCounts is NSPE’s national middle school coaching and competitive mathematics program that promotes mathematics achievement through a series of fun and engaging “bee” style contests. Since its inception in 1983, Vermont’s MathCounts program focuses on middle school students in their formative years to encourage them to consider careers in science, technology, engineering, or math (STEM). All students in 6th, 7th, and 8th grades are eligible to participate in MathCounts. MathCounts provides three programs to schools — Competition Series, Math Clubs, and a Video Challenge contest. Through these programs, Vermont MathCounts reaches approximately 500 middle school students throughout the state.
Vermont Science Olympiad
March 14, 2020
Science Olympiad is a national non-profit organization dedicated to improving the quality of K-12 science education, increasing student interest in science, creating a technologically literate workforce and providing recognition for outstanding achievement by both students and teachers. These goals are achieved by participating in Science Olympiad tournaments, incorporating Science Olympiad into classroom curriculum and attending professional development workshops. Learn more about the National Science Olympiad Here.
The Aiken Challenge is supported by an endowment created by George and Lola Aiken and held annually at the University of Vermont.
About Lola
One of Lola’s main objectives after Senator Aiken’s death was educating young Vermonters on his legacy, which she achieved through outreach programs and talking to Vermont newspapers. A pioneer woman in politics, the extent of her contributions and impact, both public and behind the scenes, is immeasurable.
Source: https://www.senatoraiken.com/lola
Learn More about Lola here.